Our Products Bundles

Compare all the features between our product bundles to determine which bundle meets your specific email security needs.


Our Basic Package is a great starting point. This bundle includes Mail Gateway, Policy Manager, Enterprise Manager, Edge, and Anti-Virus features to meet all your primary security needs.


Our Collaboration Package offers all the basics, plus DropZone and Enterprise Content Manager. Filter content and support secure file and folder sharing that’s seamlessly integrated with Microsoft SharePoint.

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

With email threats evolving constantly, added security measures are needed. Level up on our Basic Package by adding Anti-Spam, IP Reputation, Sandboxing, and URL Evaluation features. Receive messages securely and scan embedded URLs with ease.

Secure Messaging + ATP

Strengthen your safeguards with our Secure Messaging and Advanced Threat Protection Packages. Along with Basic Package features, you’ll receive the add-ons of Secure Mailbox, Advanced Security Manager, Anti-Spam, IP Reputation, Sandboxing, and URL Evaluation.

Secure Messaging

Combining our Basic Package with Secure Mailbox and Advanced Security Manager features allows you to increase security where it’s most needed. Send messages through a secure portal which protects against malicious messaging, and scan SMIME Encrypted messages, without breaking the encryption.


Who says you can’t have it all when it comes to security? Mount your strongest defense with the features found in our Basic, Advanced Threat Protection, Secure Messaging, and Collaboration Packages. Enjoy peace of mind in knowing that all protections are in place to reduce unnecessary risk.

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Anti Virus

Anti Virus
Integrated 3rd party AV engine, which scans emails and messages for viruses.


DMZ-based defenses that eliminate 60-70% of raw email traffic, while also controlling SMTP connections to your network.


Enterprise Manager
Allows for clustering of multiple MailGate instances.

Mailgate Gateway

MailGate Gateway
The core engine that provides routing and intelligence to process email.

Policy Manager

Policy Manager
A rules engine that filters content.


Includes anti-spam service and detection engines from industry-leading partners.

IP Reputation

IP Reputation
Evaluates inbound email based on source IP address.


Isolates and detonates suspicious files in a cloud-sandbox environment.

URL Evaluation

URL Evaluation
Defends against phishing by analyzing the URLs embedded in messages or attachments.

Secure Mailbox

Secure Mailbox
Ensures the secure delivery of messages generated in a webmail portal, and also messages redirected by MailGate Policy Engine.

Advanced Security Manager

Advanced Security Manager
Scans S/MIME Encrypted messages while preserving the integrity of the message encryption.

Enterprise Content Manager

Enterprise Content Manager
Allows for the integration of DropZone with Microsoft SharePoint.


Provides a secure folder structure allowing for collaboration on files that are securely shared.


Advanced Threat Protection

Secure Messaging


Segure Messaging+


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